The most common formal and semi-formal Ukrainian greetings:
Доброго ранку! [Dobroho ranku] - Good morning!
Добрий день! [Dobriy den`] - Good afternoon!
Добрий вечір! [Dobriy vechir] - Good evening!
Вітаю! [Vitaju] - Greetings!
The most common informal Ukrainian greetings:
Добриранок! [Dobrіranok] - Good morning!
Добридень! [Dobrіden`] - Good afternoon!
Добривечір! [Dobrіvechir] - Good evening!
Привіт! [Prіvit] - Hi! Хай! [Hai] - Hi!
Can you guess what Ukrainians say at the end of conversations? Добрий день [Dobriy den`] or Гарного дня [Garnogo dnya]? During the lessons, we study short dialogues that begin with various greetings. Would you like to start learning Ukrainian as soon as possible? Contact us for further details.